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The beginning of summer. A day off. Wonderful weather!!! Family

The beginning of summer. A day off. Wonderful weather!!! Family The beginning of summer. A day off. Wonderful weather!!! Couples walking with children along the Sports promenade. Kites, ice cream, sweet smile and sparkling eyes! Rainbow plays all its colors on the crystal-clear streams dancing fountain. Great picture!!! Stop, moment! And commemorative shot against the background of the «singing and dancing». The click of the lock But where is the water extravaganza? - you will be surprised, having considered the resulting frame. The answer is simple and obvious. But first things first the Big fountain on the Sports embankment appeared in 1985. But in the 90s was abandoned and for the designated purpose was used regularly. In 2012 on the initiative of the mayor of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev, were restored and re-run city fountains - one on Sports promenade and five on the Arbat. The main fountain long silence, but from the moment of its final transformation, became another symbol of the revival of Vladivostok, one of the best of its traditions. How does the system of fountains: this is the Cup, which accommodates up to 160 cubic meters of water, pumps, pipes, nozzles, searchlights and lamps. To this the technical equipment supplied underground electric cable. The whole process is automated, but it requires constant monitoring and adjustment. Every hour technical specialist did a round of all the objects and see that everything was working properly. It is that with regards technical regulations for maintenance. But serving the fountains, the staff there is a much more difficult task is to protect their offspring from human hands. Because even the most trained specialist is unable to resist the ignorance and stupidity of the individual human race! Experiment lovers (often young) not once was poured into the bowl of the fountain detergent, which led to abundant foaming. The system began to take water with a huge cap foam. Had to drain a fountain, to conduct a thorough cleaning and to fill it with water again. This is a great work of workers, the extra financial costs and time, which may be taken away from someone the opportunity to admire the beauty of цветозвукового fountain. Messing around in the fountain, children and a drunken adults, not rarely break the equipment. Knock lights and nozzles leave behind a plastic bottles and other rubbish. The modern city's fountain - a sophisticated hydraulic structure. Bathing in it can be dangerous not only for the system equipment and the горожан.У fountains (as the main and system on the Arbat) to each might supplied with your power cable, which, if damaged, may cause irreparable harm to the health of купальщика.Поэтому even in the hottest weather is better to get to the beach, than to tempt fate. Now some statistics «of fountains-2013», which, we recall, was opened on 30th April: 2 facts pouring a Cup of detergent, 6 dismantled injectors and 4 (summer only came into its own!) immersion people in the water. Once the bowl of the fountain was drained (lowered its contents to the sewer system) fully and very quickly! MUE «ВПЭС» urges citizens and visitors are not engage in wrecking and Thrifty use of city property. We, the people themselves create traditions and culture, and the city's fountains is an integral part of them. So let's take care of FOUNTAINS TOGETHER! Andrepeat picture!!!

Опубликовано:   11-06-2013, 12:45      |      Категория:  eng news

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