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Prosecutor of the district of St. Olga protected labour rights

Prosecutor of the district of St. Olga protected labour rights Prosecutor of the district of St. Olga protected labour rights of workers of municipal educational institutions. As has told to the correspondent of RIA «VladNews» senior assistant Prosecutor of Primorsky Krai Elena Telegina, the Prosecutor's office has audited the arguments collective appeals of workers of municipal educational establishments of St. Olga district of violation in the sphere of wages. Violations of the labour rights of employees of these institutions confirmed. It should be clarified that the workers of kindergartens and schools have the right to receive wages not below the minimum wage with the subsequent crediting to him of regional factor and interest allowances for length of service in the southern areas of the Far East. In this connection, prosecutors of the region in the courts sent 70 statement of claim about collecting of debts on wages in excess of $ 400 thousand rbl. In present already considered and satisfied 67 such statements totaling more than 390 thousand rubles. Prosecutor of the district Chapter of St. Olga municipal district, as well as Directors of secondary schools and the head of the kindergartens district of St. Olga made representations about elimination of the revealed infringements of requirements of the labour legislation.

Опубликовано:   10-06-2013, 22:30      |      Категория:  eng news

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