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Continued registration of participants for holding

Continued registration of participants for holding Continued registration of participants for holding the most ambitious in the history of the city flash mob called «I love Vladivostok», which will take place July 7 at the Golden bridge. Now leave your application can be not only on the website www.ilovevl.ru., but in a special pavilion on the Sports city's Waterfront. As already reported by the RIA «VladNews», unique in its scope and entertainment a flashmob will pass in the city for the first time and will be timed to the celebration of the birth of the regional center. According to the organizers, Sunday, July 7 on the Golden bridge must gather 12080. Dressed in colorful form of the action participants form the living letters «I love Vladivostok», and then perform a simple choreographic composition. At the same time, on the other side of the bridge, another group of citizens creates an image of the Russian flag long 707 meters. An unusual event claim the world record and record in the Guinness Book of records with the wording «the biggest-ever live national flag». City residents wishing to become a part of history, have already started to apply for participation in флешмобе on a special electronic resource. Now, however, to register you can and alternative way. Last weekend on the Seafront, almost next to the Central fountain, earned pavilion to record participants. - People take great interest in the shares, practically every ten minutes for us someone comes, demonstrating almost completely scrawled names notebook, says the administrator of Alexander. - We had one young couple, which on 7 July wedding plans. The guy with the girl told that they want to make this day of his life unforgettable. So they decided to immediately after registration to take part in the флэшмобе. Shows activity and the older generation. Lunch came grandparents, they were encouraged by the planned activity and wanted very much to take part in it. Often drop by people who write immediately all his family, and friends. Come even heads of various creative teams! In General, the mood is all positive, many ask: Pakistan can be in the Guinness Book of world records to get the image of a living flag, and than we are worse? We are still better do! To leave a request on participating in the флэшмобе, citizens and guests of the regional center is enough to leave your name, contact telephone number and email address. At last, as explained girls-administrators, you will receive an email with video lessons, as well as messages about the date and time of the rehearsals. Event mass, so without preliminary runs is not enough. City administration informs that prepare participants will choreographers and Directors. And rehearsals will be held on the Embankment of the crown Prince. Continued registration of participants for holding Continued registration of participants for holding Continued registration of participants for holding Continued registration of participants for holding Continued registration of participants for holding Continued registration of participants for holding Continued registration of participants for holding

Yulia Kuzmina, photo Karina Pozdnyak and Igor Рачихина, the newspaper «Vladivostok»

Опубликовано:   10-06-2013, 16:47      |      Категория:  eng news

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