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Today, the head of Russia OJSC - the Plenipotentiary of the

Today, the head of Russia OJSC - the Plenipotentiary of the Today, the head of Russia OJSC - the Plenipotentiary of the President in FEFD Victor Ishayev handed the state awards of the far East residents. Solemn ceremony of presenting state awards was held in Khabarovsk in the Museum on the eve of the Day of Russia by Vladimir Putin. A large number of awards received Primorye residents who. The order of Parental glory» received Lyudmila and Sergey Пыхтеевы from Vladivostok. They raise 5 children. For merits in the field of mechanical engineering and years of work the honorary title «Honored engineer of the Russian Federation» was given to Vladimir Минулин - collector-капельщик JSC «Arsenyev aviation company «Progress». The honorary title «Honored power engineer of the Russian Federation» was given to Sergey Ivanov - Director of the branch of JSC «Federal grid company of Unified energy system Primorskoye enterprise of backbone electrical grids». Today hosted the awarding of the decoration of the Ministry of the Russian Federation on the development of the Far East «For merits in development of the Far East». One of the first awards presented to former приморцу, now Governor of the Amur region Oleg Kozhemyako, and honored worker of transport of the Russian Federation Valery Тарабарову. In conclusion of the ceremony, Viktor Ishaev spoke to the awarded state decorations and insignia Were: «Dear countrymen! I heartily congratulate you with high state awards and awards presented by the Ministry of development of the Far East. I congratulate you on a coming holiday - Day of Russia. We live with you in the far East of our country, in a particular region, which gives a new impulse to the development of Russia, its economy. The far East is a contact zone between Russia and Asia-Pacific region. Only now being implemented programmes and projects in the far East to the amount of more than RUB 4 billion. We estimate that up to 2018 almost 8 trillion rubles will be implemented programs. Developing the economy, creating conditions for life of people is our task. I would like to Express deep gratitude to you, who have been awarded. You have done much for the development of the Far East, not by chance the first award, which established a Ministry called «For merits in development of the Far East»! Thank you very much! Congratulate you with the coming holiday - Day of Russia!»

Опубликовано:   10-06-2013, 16:47      |      Категория:  eng news

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