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For several days in Vladivostok work school

For several days in Vladivostok work school For several days in Vladivostok work school camp. Here, the students participate in sports, go on excursions, watching movies, attend various circles. For example, in the school camps, a competition of drawings and posters «No tobacco!». Under the terms of the competition they visually depict this addiction, its consequences and possible ways to overcome it. The best will win the prizes. Let's remind, attend school camp as holidaymakers can pupils from the first to the seventh grade. To do this, parents had to apply to the Director of the school their child is attending, as well as provide help from a pediatrician. The Board of Directors of schools warned parents still at the stage of forming applications a few weeks ago. Accommodation and meals in such a camp is free of charge. Parents need to pay for movie tickets and sightseeing tours. Of course, if your child wants to attend them. The parents can make a one-time pass a certain amount for all events is about 2000 rubles, and can give a child money for a ticket to a movie that day, when this movie is planned. Be in the school camp, a child may from 8:30 a.m. to 14:30. Also this year as an experiment it is planned to organize in some camps the NAPs. To do this, in classes beds. Just for the summer will be organized in several shifts school camps.

Опубликовано:   10-06-2013, 16:46      |      Категория:  eng news

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