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On the initiative of the Primorsky environmental Prosecutor

On the initiative of the Primorsky environmental Prosecutor On the initiative of the Primorsky environmental Prosecutor JSC «Pacific bridge building company involved in the administrative responsibility for the conduct of works in the national Park. As has told to the correspondent of RIA «VladNews» senior assistant Prosecutor of Primorsky Krai Elena Telegina, Primorsky region inter-district environmental Prosecutor's office checking checking of the information in mass media that in the national Park «Land of the leopard» is the development of career. Prosecutor's office has been established that in the period from February to March 2013 on the territory of the National Park «Land of the leopard» CJSC «Pacific bridge building company» was carried out excavation пескогравийной mixture on a site area of more than 40 thousand sq.m. the Development of ZAO «TMK» widespread minerals on the territory of the National Park «Land of the leopard» is the violation of the current legislation of the regime of the protected natural territories of Federal value. One of the iconic objects, built by ZAO «TMK», - the Golden bridge in Vladivostok, which connects the city centre with the Pervomaisky district. According to the results of inspection in respect of ZAO «TMK» environmental Prosecutor initiated a case on administrative offence under Art. 839 the administrative code of the Russian Federation (infringement of rules of protection and use of natural resources on protected natural areas). Following its consideration of the company involved in the administrative responsibility in the form of a fine in the amount of 30 thousand rubles. Given that development of minerals on the territory of the National Park «Land of the leopard» was held in the absence of a license, the environmental Prosecutor's office initiated an administrative case on fact of violation of the legislation on subsoil use ('clock 1 item 7.3 of the administrative code of the Russian Federation). 3 June 2013 by the Department of natural resources and environmental protection of Primorsky Krai ZAO «TMK» for the Commission of this offense brought to administrative responsibility in the form of a fine in the amount of 800 thousand roubles. In addition, the General Director of the company made a representation with the requirement to eliminate the identified violations of the law, including through the recultivation of the land plot and compensation for damage voluntarily. To date representation considered, the requirements of the Prosecutor satisfied.

Опубликовано:   5-06-2013, 15:47      |      Категория:  eng news

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