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Today in the city have opened school-based camp. Visit

Today in the city have opened school-based camp. Visit Today in the city have opened school-based camp. Visit them as holidaymakers can pupils from the first to the seventh grade. To do this, parents should contact the principal of the school that their child. Stay in this camp is free. But high school students in those same camps will be able to work assistants leaders. And earn pocket money. In a school camp will be organized for children sports competitions, clubs, excursions, outings in a movie. Specialists of the Department of education specifically tried to make the program of stay of the most intense and useful. For children organized nutrition and health courses. Be in the school camp, a child may from 8:30 a.m. to 14:30. Also this year as an experiment it is planned to organize in some camps the NAPs. To do this in the classroom will include beds. Just for the summer will be organized in several shifts. Parents can enrol your child in any.

Опубликовано:   5-06-2013, 15:47      |      Категория:  eng news

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