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Vladivostok will host a training seminar «Ways of

Vladivostok will host a training seminar «Ways of Vladivostok will host a training seminar «Ways of preventing bacterial infections of the respiratory tract in children». The doctors of the Primorsky territory, will share their experience of leading experts in the field of immunology and Allergology, in particular, corresponding member of rams, Professor ПМГМУ them. Sechenov A.V. Karaulov, Professor of the far Eastern state University, head of Department of fundamental medicine A.V. polevschikov, and also doctor of medical science, Professor of the Department of otorhinolaryngology of advanced training for physicians РНИИМУ them. Pirogov T.I. Garashchenko. Professionals will share with colleagues the knowledge and new techniques in the field of immunization, immunotherapy and immunorehabilitation of respiratory infections in children, as well as consider ways to prevent bacterial infections of respiratory tract of children in organised children's collectives. As was reported at the Department of healthcare of administration of the province, the event is aimed at the training of doctors. It will be attended by pediatricians and otorhinolaryngologist and all Primorsky Krai. The event will take place on Saturday, June 8 from 12:00 to 16:00 hours at the address: Ul. Naberezhnaya 10 (conference hall). Source: RIA "VladNews"

Опубликовано:   4-06-2013, 19:47      |      Категория:  eng news

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