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Now it is the most popular group on the Russian

Now it is the most popular group on the Russian Now it is the most popular group on the Russian jazz scene, led incredible husky magnificent voice bassist Billy Novik. Besides Billy, this magical Petersburg mixture of jazz with elements of grotesque and sarcasm create Anton Матезиус (magnificent Bayan), Andrew ginger (guitar virtuoso) and Mikhail Liquid (lyrical to pain and hard to tears saxophone). According to them apt definition of their style is shocking ecological jazz of the highest class”. Discography «Billy's Band» includes 5 Studio, 3 concert album, 3 singles and several collections; besides, in the history of the group have experience of participation in the largest jazz festivals in the USA and Canada. Today in their repertoire stylish, on what not similar, saturated with modern artistic effects musical-theatrical performances, such as «Blues in my head», which once produced in Riga real sensation - tickets for the concert were sold out on the same day, when appeared on sale. Their music is a music of courtyards, inviting bars, romantic evenings and Sunny days. And each of the concert is something between a theatrical presentation, Blues-party and festive carnival. Sometimes a farce, Comedy and hard farce, and at times, drama, always Sunny, with crystal hope and a slight squint. By the way, Billy's Band - one of the few popular bands in Russia, which refers to the DIY (Do It Yourself) - team who writes and decorates albums, distributes and advertising, organized concerts and touring, however, she had not concluded any contract with a major record label or a producer. Not an exception and a new album, which was recorded with the direct participation of the admirers of the group - with the help of which has already become a popular system crowdfunding. Presentation of the album took place in early April in Moscow and now Billy's Band goes to the big tour through the cities of Russia and Europe giving everyone who came to the concert of your wonderful music, atmosphere, energy! Source: Rock Poster

Опубликовано:   4-06-2013, 15:01      |      Категория:  eng news

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