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Foot traffic on the bridge across the Golden Horn is open for two weeks

Foot traffic on the bridge across the Golden Horn is open for two weeks

On Saturday, June 1 in test mode, open pedestrian traffic on the bridge across the Golden Horn. Every day from 7:00 to 21:00 residents. Vladivostok be able to pass over the bridge, to appreciate all the nuances and make suggestions - what needs to be done for a comfortable and secure movement.

Everyone who passes over the bridge, can send their comments and suggestions to the Working Group on the arrangement and the further use of the APEC summit at pismaAPEC@primorsky.ru . Based on the opinions of citizens will make recommendations on the issue.

Among the first to cross the bridge were members of the working group on group arrangement and further use of the APEC summit.

"The first thing you notice right away, being here, it is, of course, beauty. From the bridge offer unique views of our city. And as for the convenience and safety, there is a working group of representatives from a number of questions. Swath width is not enough to break up two people on the bridge to transport a wheelchair or carry a heftier, "- said the Chairman of the working group, the Commissioner for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs Marina Shemilina. "As a mother, I understand that on Bridge you can not let the children and teenagers without adult supervision - their curiosity and mischief may cause an accident, "- said Marina Shemilina.

With a colleague agreed to another member of the working group, the chairman of the Duma of Vladivostok Helen Nowicka. "For the residents of the city bridge a few times a year, will be opened. But for the rest possible to provide travel itineraries to a small group of guests could pass the bridge and enjoy the beautiful panorama that opens here. After all, the Golden Bridge - it is not only the object of the transport infrastructure, but also the attraction of our city, "- says Helen Nowicka.

In addition, members of the working group will address the management of the traffic police for clarification on the issue of the safe movement of pedestrians at the entrances and exits from the bridge.

Test pedestrian traffic on the bridge will be June 15. These days will be monitored foot traffic. In formulating recommendations on the use of the bridge for pedestrians will be considered indifferent opinion of every citizen.

Foot traffic on the bridge across the Golden Horn is open for two weeks

Опубликовано:   1-06-2013, 13:40      |      Категория:  eng news

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