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Korean businessmen interested in investment projects of coastal ports

During his visit to South Korea Governor Maritime Vladimir Miklushevsky met with the vice-president of Daewoo International, Mr. Du Hong Yong.

Korean businessmen interested in investment projects of coastal ports

Koreans are interested in projects of Primorye

In South Korea, Vladimir Miklushevsky a presentation of Primorye for Korean investors.
At the meeting dealt with the development of our region and those projects that can participate Daewoo International can participate. In particular, the construction of the power plant in Ussuriysk.

Mr. Du Hong Yong praised power plant project and interested in the project and replacement of heating system. In addition, the company Daewoo International has expressed interest in the project to modernize the port facilities of Primorsky Krai - VestiRegion.ru reported the press service of Vladimir Miklushevsky.

Korean businessmen interested in investment projects of coastal ports

Опубликовано:   31-05-2013, 15:30      |      Категория:  eng news

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