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Drunk couple had almost died in a fire in Primorye

Drunk couple had almost died in a fire in Primorye Photo: mega-u.ru

May 26 at 21 hours 52 minutes dispatcher service "01" was reported on fire in the five-storey building on the street. Day in Dalnegorske.Spustya 4 minutes arrived on the scene fire departments. According to neighbors, the apartment on the 2nd floor was smoke. The fire was quickly eliminated in 22 hours 02 minutes.

Fire area was 1 m ^2. Indoor smoke from firefighters rescued a man sleeping in 1966 and a woman born in 1967. Arrived at the scene ambulance, fire victims examined, diagnosed only drunkenness, hospitalization was not required. Presumably, the cause of fire was extinguished cigarette from which lit up the bedding.

General Directorate of Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Primorsky Krai strongly recommends that you always follow the rules of fire safety and do not abuse alcohol. Remember, smoking is allowed only in designated areas. In no case do not smoke in bed, do not throw cigarettes are not extinguished with balconies, in bins and elevator shafts. Be careful when using electrical appliances, do not overload the network. Leaving the house, turn off the electrical equipment of the network.

Опубликовано:   27-05-2013, 11:20      |      Категория:  eng news

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