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A young resident of the Kirov district snasilnichal against cousin

Опубликовано:   24-05-2013, 14:40      |      Категория:  eng news

According to the press service of Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation in early 2014
1-09-2013, 22:31, eng news
According to the press service of Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, in early 2014 MOE will provide new fire-rescue units in the Far East, the official said the Russian...
28-03-2013, 07:00, eng news
Basketball players from Samara hopes that the remaining fourth meeting with Primorye end in their favor - as the previous three. (PHOTOS)......
After resting in Primorye, the children of the Amur region go home
19-09-2013, 16:35, eng news
Today, 19 September, improving shift ends, within which to Primorje rested more than 1500 children affected by the floods of the Amur region. Two trains with children left the station of Vladivostok....
Youth Film Festival in Vladivostok summed up the first results
14-05-2013, 19:20, eng news
The festival is supported by the Administration of Vladivostok and the theater "Vladivostok"......
Foot traffic on the bridge across the Golden Horn is open for two weeks
1-06-2013, 13:40, eng news
On Saturday, June 1 in test mode, open pedestrian traffic on the bridge across the Golden Horn. Every day from 7:00 to 21:00 Vladivostok residents will be able to pass the bridge, to appreciate all...
August 11 at 15 hours 56 minutes from the duty officer
13-08-2013, 17:35, eng news
August 11 at 15 hours 56 minutes from the duty of the police in the village of Olga on the phone Ol'ginsky area GIMS Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Primorsky received a report about...
In the Kremlin, under the chairmanship of President Vladimir
30-07-2013, 13:15, eng news
In the Kremlin, under the chairmanship of President Vladimir Putin held a meeting on the development of rail transport in the Far East. During the meeting, the Russian president ordered the...
Chapter Khorolsky region Alexei Gubaidullin solemnly
24-07-2013, 22:01, eng news
Chapter Khorolsky region Gubaidullin Alex was presented with a certificate to the regional capital of the parent family is rare. According to the department of labor and social development of the...
7 June 2013 near the house №27 on the street in neibuta St.
10-06-2013, 22:32, eng news
7 June 2013 near the house №27 on the street neibuta St., in the city of Vladivostok found the body of a pensioner 1933 with signs of violent death. On the given fact investigatory bodies of...
Philippines and Guam will soon be available Primorye
22-05-2013, 13:40, eng news
Book the tour will be in July this year in almost any travel agency of......

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