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Arrives in Vladivostok international cruise ship "Bremen"

In the night from Tuesday to Wednesday in the capital of Primorye International cruise ship arrives «MS Bremen». Ship moored at the pier in the sea of the first half of the night.

Arrives in Vladivostok international cruise ship "Bremen"

Primorye visited a foreign cruise ship "Bremen"

This year the ship with foreign tourists arrive in Vladivostok first. Prior to that, he had already made a cruise along the coast of Primorye. In Nakhodka, Olga and Slavianka tourists from different countries got acquainted with the sights. They were particularly struck by our magnificent nature.

The ship was able to dock at the small dock, because its size is quite compact - Draft 4.8 meters, and length - 11 meters. This is almost two times less than that of "Princess" who came to Vladivostok in the past year.

"Bremen" was built in the shipyards of Japan and assigned to the Bahamas. In its six decks of 164 passengers. The motor ship will stay in Vladivostok more than a day. He leaves the berth in the harbor station Thursday, May 23 at 21 am.

Arrives in Vladivostok international cruise ship "Bremen"

Опубликовано:   21-05-2013, 16:30      |      Категория:  eng news

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