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Primorye receive millions in federal overhaul

Primorye receive millions in federal overhaul

Board of the State Corporation "The Federal Fund of assistance to reforming housing and communal services" approved the application of Primorsky Krai on the financial support overhaul of apartment houses.

As reported by the regional department for housing and fuel resources, the application conforms to the requirements. On the program overhaul of housing in Primorye fund will be allocated 97.8 million rubles.

Recall that in the application were included seven municipalities of the region. This Dal'nerechensk, Kavalerovsky, Luchegorskoye, Svetlogorck, Slavic, and Smolyaninovskoe Khrustal'nensky settlement. The program repairs - 81 apartment building, which are home to 11000 people.

The total cost of the work will be 23678 million rubles, including from the Fund - 9789 million rubles, the budget of Primorsky Krai - 4577 million rubles, funds of municipalities - 4577 million rubles, of owners of premises - 4735 million rubles.

Опубликовано:   20-05-2013, 20:20      |      Категория:  eng news

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