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On the sundial can now check vladivostoktsy and guests of the seaside capital

On the sundial can now check vladivostoktsy and guests of the seaside capital

Gnomon - the main element of hours that throws a shadow. As a rule, inclined to dial a certain specially calculated angle, while the sundial shows the most accurate time.

- Our bollard was dug out of the ground berth in 2011. on the initiative of the Vladivostok sea passenger terminal. More than 100 years ago, in 1897 this place was laid mooring port of Vladivostok, then called the Commercial pier. Ancient bollard was in the side of the quay wall after the construction of the new building and reconstruction of the Sea Port berth in the mid 60-ies of the last century. For many years he stood as unnecessary in a warehouse, 40 meters from the water. In 2-meter height, he was mostly built into the ground, towered above the ground about 0.7 meters. This impressive size artifact - a mute witness of the meeting and what took place in the course of a century here, almost on the edge of the earth, - tells the story of a sundial seaside capital Head of the Information and tourist center of Vladivostok Oksana Borisova.

It is worth noting that, thanks to the ideas of Information and tourist center of Vladivostok, Primorye capital acquired and maps, guidebooks and information touch screen for travelers and a telescope mounted on a platform near the Sea Port.

Photos rarity of the exposition Information and tourist center of Vladivostok on display PITE-2013 aroused great interest of foreign exhibitors and representatives of the travel industry, working in the field of internal tourism.

Опубликовано:   20-05-2013, 19:40      |      Категория:  eng news

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