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Administration of Vladivostok airport transportation accused the police of ostentation

Administration of Vladivostok airport transportation accused the police of ostentation

General Director of JSC "Vladivostok International Airport" Maxim Chetverikov put "two" line work of the police station while providing security at the airport in the capital of Primorye.

"For more than two years, we can not solve the problems such as the lack of police on checkpoints in the terminal building, their participation in the protection of the controlled area of the airport, which is constantly trying to get the so-called" fish is "(private taxi drivers), as well as to establish a normal work service dog " - Quoted the general director of the press service of the airport.

Airport Authority recalls that these functions are provided by the federal police law and internal regulations of the joint "MAV" and AEs.

"Control of their performance of" MAV "is seeking to gain time aviation security regime, announced in connection with the terrorist attack in Domodedovo in 2011. Systematic failure of these functions with the policies of aviation safety in general, and involves considerable inconvenience to passengers" - Said in a statement.

Maxim Chetverikov believes that the linear Police formally gets the job done.

"It seems to be a department inspection, seem to have canine service, and then there are press releases about the heroic behavior of the police, which prevent riots and solve crimes in the airport. Unfortunately, in fact, is not satisfied even the minimum of what is included in the standard LLR responsibilities " - Said the head of the MAV.

However, he stressed that the airport over the past three years, carried out an extensive work to improve the level of anti-terrorist security by purchasing modern inspection equipment and introducing a number of safety control systems to be used in conjunction with the police.

"We have repeatedly appealed to the leadership of the police line with the demand for transport to organize their work at the airport as well. However the police so far not responded to the situation, not including allegations that while outsiders in a controlled area have committed offenses to act early, " - Said Maxim Chetverikov.

Claims against the police work were made by the Commission for Aviation Security Airport, which was attended by representatives of the operators, as well as cooperating agencies and law enforcement agencies, including the heads of border and customs posts, guide AEs in transport.

"Taking into account the position of the leadership of" MAV "and the LSP, the commission unanimously decided to oblige the police department of transport at the airport of Vladivostok to bring the balance of personnel in compliance with the requirements of the governing documents," - Said in a statement.

It remains to wait for the official police comment on the matter.

Опубликовано:   19-05-2013, 17:20      |      Категория:  eng news

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