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"Daughter," the Defense Ministry was caught on experiments with a ground rent near Vladivostok

\"Daughter,\" the Defense Ministry was caught on experiments with a ground rent near Vladivostok

In the Nadezhda district prosecutor's office slapped the illegal use of land in federal ownership.

In April, the district prosecutor's office checked the legality of the use of federal lands, which are managed by the administrator - FGUSP "West" the Defense Ministry. The audit showed that between April 1 FGUSP "West" the Defense Ministry and the individual entrepreneur was awarded the lease of land with a total area of 1500 sq ft (Nadezhda district, De Vries).

However, leased land is located within the boundaries of another, having an area of 840 hectares (cadastral number 25:10:412). At the same time until the lease of a small section of it is not allocated to the individual, not defined the boundaries, do not put on the cadastre. According to the law, in which case there can be no rent.

Given these circumstances, the district prosecutor's office has made a bankruptcy trustee representation on elimination of violations, which reviewed and approved. Now the illegal contract was terminated, the perpetrator disciplined.

Опубликовано:   16-05-2013, 13:20      |      Категория:  eng news

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