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Message from the coastal hinterland can not be published because of the large banks Ussurka

Message from the coastal hinterland can not be published because of the large banks Ussurka
Because over the banks of the river Great Ussurka in Krasnoarmeysky area disturbed by road to the villages: Sarovka, Pokrovka, Far Kut, Dersu and insular.

According to
the press service of the regional administration
, Provisions created boat was organized with the settlements.

Made to strengthen the dam and the elimination of congestion on the river near the village of Novokreschenka.

21 flooded infield and vegetable gardens in the villages Vostretsova, Lukiyanobskaya and Roshino.

In the Kirov region difficult to move in the direction of Podgornoye travel is possible by truck. Banking-houses, town houses in the province registered.

The threat of flooding of the river Ussurka Large sections of roads Dal'nerechensk-Grafskoye preserved.

Sanitary-epidemiological situation is normal.

Опубликовано:   15-05-2013, 13:40      |      Категория:  eng news

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