In Primorye, the act taken "timber baron" and his accomplices
Operatives of the Anti-Crime in the forest industry department of economic security and regional anti-corruption police, together with colleagues from the FSB Primorye eliminated channel for illegal wood supply in China.
The special operation was held in Chyrvonaarmeiski area. The force provided cover for employees fighters SWAT MOI of Russia for the Primorye Territory.
Operatives learned that in a forest near the village of Vostretsevo locals illegally felled timber and sell it to the Chinese. It was found that a group of people were sent to places of illegal cutting special equipment for removal of timber. Security officials decided to block the movement of vehicles loaded with poaching and cut off the retreat of the possible suspects. In drawing up the plan took into account the operational police information about the availability of informants capable of transmitting a signal "danger" to the organizers and executors of cuttings.
During the operational activities of the police mounted alleged organizer of the illegal felling of trees hardwood, his accomplices. One of the participants in the crime - 45-year-old villager Roshino. The suspect is officially unemployed.
Produced crime scene examination, it was found that the documentation for the development and management of forests from harvesting timber is missing. Found stacked storage assortments. The damage caused by illegal cutting counted. A criminal case under Article 260 of the Criminal Code (illegal felling of trees and shrubs).
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