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Vladivostok was the Victory Parade

Vladivostok was the Victory Parade

During Vladivostok Military parade dedicated to the 68th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

After a minute of silence in memory of those killed during the Great Patriotic War and the genuflections, the participants congratulated the governor of Primorsky Krai Vladimir Miklushevsky and CommanderPacific Fleet, Vice Admiral Sergei Avakyants.

The Banner opened the parade group, which consists of students of the Pacific Naval Institute, they carried the Victory Banner, the national flag of the Russian Federation and the banner of the Armed Forces of Russia. Then the veterans and residents of Primorsky Krai were held company with historical standards of the fronts of the Great Patriotic War: Ukrainian, Belorussian, Baltic, Karelia and Leningrad.

For the first time in the parade in Vladivostok at the same time took part in the ceremonial unit of French missile frigate "Vendemiaire" and U.S. missile destroyer "Lassen".

In the parade - officers of the Pacific Fleet, the sailors of the Maritime Fleet Pacific Fleet diverse forces - for the past five years, the crews association with honor perform tasks for the protection of international maritime traffic in the Indian Ocean, the submarine, the Marines, the cadets Vladivostok branch of the Far Eastern Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry, Chief Emergency Management Russia for the Primorye Territory and the students of Moscow State University im.adm. GINevelskoy.

At a special platform near the monument to the Fighters for Soviet Power present special guests, including veterans of the Great Patriotic War, the Governor of the Primorsky Territory Vladimir Miklushevsky, First Vice-Governor Sergey Sidorov, deputy governors Irina Vasylkova, Alexander Roller and Vladimir Balan, honorary citizens of Vladivostok, representatives Council of Veterans and other guests.

After passing parade mouth Svetlanskaya military equipment left the Pacific Fleet: self-propelled coastal missile system operational-tactical "Redoubt" anti-aircraft missile system of medium-range "C-300" anti-aircraft missile system near field "Wasp", 82 x millimeter mortar battalion 2-B14., antitank system "Competition", BTR-80 - a total of about 40 units.

Completed the passage of Vladivostok garrison troops consolidated brass band.

Following immediately after the military parade will march people, symbolizing the connection between generations. At the head of the column will be traveling motor vehicle on which a copy of the instruments of provezut conferring the title of Vladivostok City of Military Glory.

Participants will be followed by the All-Russian action "Immortal regiment." Participants of the rally - Primorye with photographs of soldiers of the Great Patriotic War: his grandparents, great-grandparents, relatives and friends. The meaning of the action - saving every Russian family memory of the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War.

Also in the parade will be attended by pupils of columns of military and patriotic children's clubs, members of the military and veterans' organizations. Complete the process of the truck during the Great Patriotic War, which will "burn" the symbolic eternal flame.

Today, in a celebratory parade to mark the 68th anniversary of the Great Victory, as spectators involved veterans of the Great Patriotic War - Participants of defense of Stalingrad, the Battle of Kursk, the liberators of the blockade of Leningrad.

The guest of honor of the Victory Parade was the participant of the Great Patriotic War, Lydia Ignatyevna SELIVERSTOVA. As part of the Second Ukrainian Front, it came to Romania, and after the war was aimed at the defense plant in Kiev. Lydia Ignatyevna awarded the Order of the Red Star, World War II, the medal "For Military Merit" and other awards.

Joseph S. Chutov - Honorary Citizen of the city of Vladivostok, the chairman of the Board of Veterans Leninsky district in the regional capital of the First Ukrainian Front came to Berlin and Prague, liberated Ukraine and Poland. Went to the front 18-year-old kid. Now Joseph S. Chutov 88 years, but it still emphasizes: "There is a profession - to protect the homeland. Take care of home, she have one. "

One of the honorable members of celebrations was Vladimir Petrovich Cantemirs, a member of the defense of Stalingrad. In the army he was called when he was 17.5 years. After two weeks of training was enlisted as a private in the company of the divisional reconnaissance. After the war, the German soldier Cantemirs who met the Victory Day in East Prussia, became a student of the Novosibirsk-Arms School. And after he was sent to the Far East, on the border of the Pacific, where he served in the border troops of about 30 years.

Vladivostok was the Victory Parade

Опубликовано:   9-05-2013, 12:30      |      Категория:  eng news

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