More than 200 participants of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, widows of veterans over the last year have turned for assistance to the deputies of the Legislative Assembly.
As reported in the parliamentary department to work with citizens, thanks to the veterans do not just come to the speaker of the regional parliament Victor Gorchakov, vice-speaker of the Jambulat Tekieva, Sergei Sopchuk deputies, Sergei Slepchenko, Gennady Lazarev, Victor and Alexander Milusha Kvasha.
"I consider it my duty to maintain the most cordial relations with our veterans, unfortunately, they are becoming less and less, - The deputy of the regional parliament Sergei Sopchuk - Course, we constantly provide them with assistance and try to do for the holidays are over joyful and pleasant - to prepare some gifts to give them more attention. We have the experience of joint meetings of the Board of Veterans four areas of my 11th District. veterans can meet, socialize, discuss common to all topics and issues. These meetings are necessary and me, because hints and tips people with great experiences in life and help in decision-making. "
Committee on Social Policy and Protection of the rights of citizens in control with providing housing for veterans. According to the law "On ensuring the living quarters of veterans, the disabled and families with disabled children in the Primorsky Territory" and the decree of the President of the veterans may choose to purchase an apartment in any village on the edge of the primary or secondary market, as well as to take part in the joint construction . In this case, they are given a lump sum payment. Subsidies for the purchase of flats provide a rate of 36 square meters. meters per person.
In the regional budget for 2013 for this purpose provided the federal 17664 million, 109 people have received certificates for social benefit, and 30 veterans have already purchased the apartment.
Close attention is paid to the members of the work of a unique medical institution - a hospital for war veterans. Hospital continues financed from the regional budget, rather than through compulsory medical insurance fund, as other health care facilities.
As the vice chairman of the committee on social policy and protection of the rights of citizens Paul Serebryakov, single-channel financing was introduced only in 2013 this is the first experience that has yet to evaluate. "We are not free to experiment with the Veterans Hospital, so he was left at the regional funding to be able to intervene to correct the situation. As part of the modernization of health care for the hospital purchased equipment, first aid, made repairs" - Said the deputy.
Many veterans are being treated in the hospital is not the first time availability here does not happen, the current holidays within its walls will be welcomed more than 200 people. This is the only in the Far East, medical facility where treatment of many diseases, rehabilitation, diagnostics, using modern techniques. In the near future the hospital will open a new body - medical ward with comfortable double rooms, install new medtekhniku. Veterans receive is not only necessary treatment, but also communication, genuine concern. According to the results of an anonymous survey attitude of doctors and nurses in the hospital food satisfied almost all veterans.
Upset elderly patients outside the hospital no existing bus stop. More than a year the city shuttle buses do not run to a stop near the former hospital - it is not profitable for the carriers, and the veterans have to travel on foot to slide. Among other requests - landscaping around the hospital, today there is not even arbors.
"Unfortunately, not much time left for us to take care of veterans, so it's important to remember them all the time, promptly respond to any questions and requests to our veterans remain with us as long as possible" - Said Paul Serebrjakov.