Creative competition "My City by the Sea" will be held in Vladivostok
Photo: Xenia Tito
In Vladivostok, announced receipt of applications to participate in the first town the contest "My City by the Sea." Applications for participation in the competition are accepted until May 31.
"Audition" My City by the Sea "- a presentation of the achievements in the field of culture and art of the members of the creative unions and social organizations of the city - stressed the head of the department of information and programming to work with community organizations the administration of Vladivostok Olga Mikhaleva. - This contest will not only help to realize the creative potential of the participants, but also to share experiences. "
The contest invited representatives of creative unions and social organizations of the city of Vladivostok at the age of 30 years and older.
In the period from 3 to 20 June will be competitive parades in seven main categories: vocal, choreography, literature, fine arts, acting, directing and photography.
At the end of the competitive parades competent jury, which will include honored workers of culture, public figures and honorary citizens of the city of Vladivostok, will determine the winners in each of the submitted nominations. The ceremony of awarding the winners of the I-th city of creative competition "My City by the Sea" will be held on July 2.
For more information about the competition can be obtained from the representatives of the organizing committee, tel.: 8 (423) 261-43-50 (Olga Mikhaleva) 8-950-286-94-92 (Julia Alexeev).
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