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Vladivostok is destined to become "the territory of the future" in two weeks

Vladivostok is destined to become \"the territory of the future\" in two weeks Photo: Anatoly Filatov

In May of Vladivostok will be the future of the territory. Urban Youth Forum participants on eight areas of communication will develop the general theme of "Vladivostok. Cities that be."

As the head of the Youth Vladivostok Oksana Solovyov, "We are here to discuss the forum in the design factory" Dawn. "Our young people will gather for communication platform to know: who will change Vladivostok? Also, we will discuss a example, the housing problem. Where to rent a house to a young family in Vladivostok? How much does it cost? How can share similar experiences of others? What are the features of the program tenancy in Vladivostok? Office of Youth Vladivostok Administration is carrying out this action for all concerned residents who have yet under 35 years. "

According to her, it is expected that the outcome of the Forum will form the basis for a new target youth program. It will be attended, even those who have not previously participated in the public life of the city.

Vladivostok is destined to become \"the territory of the future\" in two weeks

Vladivostok is destined to become \"the territory of the future\" in two weeks

Опубликовано:   30-04-2013, 13:00      |      Категория:  eng news

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