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In Nakhodka on ships found contaminated food

Rosselkhoznadzor experts by checking two foreign vessels coming to Nakhodka, find the products with insects.

In Nakhodka on ships found contaminated food

Laboratory studies have confirmed that the mung beans in food stores on board «Heng Shun Hai» (Panama flag) and «Tong Mao 1" (the flag of Belize), mung beans and soybeans were living chetyrehpyatnistoy weevil beetles having to Russian quarantine status.

Infection of the Russian territory that is not yet available in Russia, view failed to prevent plant pests. These beetles can cause serious damage to crops grown in Russia legumes.

Currently, the food pantries foreign vessels carried out to decontaminate - VestiRegion.ru reported the press service of Rosselkhoznadzor for Primorsky Krai and Sakhalin Oblast.

Опубликовано:   30-04-2013, 10:10      |      Категория:  eng news

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