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In Primorye, will be introduced incentives for new businesses

April 24th Governor of Primorye unplanned visit to the meeting of the regional parliament. It was at a meeting about the law regarding benefits for new businesses that are created on the territory of the region.

In Primorye, will be introduced incentives for new businesses

Investors in Primorye receive tax benefits

This past deputies worked the afternoon discussing the laws "On the reduction of the tax rate on profits" and "On the property tax for organizations."

These bills have caused heated debate among parliamentarians. The participants discussed their 4:00 thus putting the original record. By the time the Governor's deputies have already peregolosovat three times, and took only one document.

For example, some members were concerned that investors are coming in Primorye, gain the foreign workforce, and will not pay taxes. As a result, the edge will be left without income. Budget Primorye, bringing losses can feel the effect only after 10 years.

Vladimir Miklushevsky noted that gains will be noticeable - the new company will Primorye new jobs. Most of the deputies of the "United Russia" supported the head regiona.Vizit governor helped deputies eventually adopt a controversial bill. Its essence is that new enterprises created in Primorye, in the first five years of zero out the tax rate on income and property, and in the next five years, the tax will be significantly reduced.

Tax relief will be granted to enterprises that since 1 January 2013 have invested in the creation of the production of at least 150 million rubles consistently for three years, or a total of at least 500 million rubles for not more than five years. Tax benefits take effect from the first month of the launch of the new production.

It should be noted that the tax benefits to the authors of the bill, the benefits have been spread on agricultural production, mining and quarrying, manufacturing, including the production of petrochemical and gas processing and some other industries.

Опубликовано:   25-04-2013, 11:20      |      Категория:  eng news

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