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На здоровое питания жителям Приморья добавили по 702 рубля

На здоровое питания жителям Приморья добавили по 702 рубля

Maritimes deputies have made changes in the regional law "On the consumer basket in the Primorsky Territory" and "The cost of living in the Primorye Territory." The value of the consumer basket will increase by 702 rubles for the working age population and 1782-ruble for children.

The basis for the adjustment of the laws of recommendations on the definition of the consumer basket for the main socio-demographic groups in the regions specified by the government in January. We are talking about increasing the basket of healthy food items standards. We also establish the percentage of non-food goods and services with the cost of food. Under the new method of calculating the non-food for residents of the region occupied 55% of the cost of the food basket, services - 60%.

As a result of the new methodology set market basket increase and the total closer to the requirements of a healthy diet. In your shopping cart calculated a higher proportion of fish, meat, vegetables and fruit. Reduced consumption of bread and pasta, potatoes. The value of the food basket increased by 702 rubles for the working age population, 898 rubles for retirees to 1782 rubles for children.

Accordingly, the rise and the living wage in the province, and the social benefits, which are calculated based on it.

Опубликовано:   25-04-2013, 08:10      |      Категория:  eng news

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