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Paul Shugurov: "If people were selected monuments, the Eiffel Tower was built not ever!"

Paul Shugurov: \"If people were selected monuments, the Eiffel Tower was built not ever!\" Photo: Anatoly Filatov

The main artist Paul Vladivostok Shugurov at the press briefing, commented "popular" vote for the design of the monument Katusha.

The idea of the installation of the monument in Vladivostok Katya, the heroine of the famous song belongs to the local historian Nellie Miz. It has been discussed at various levels for about three years. And now, in 2013 the city found the means to realize it. "Competition for the design of urban sculpture was held for the first time, we have created a kind of precedent. Prior to that were either direct orders, or were initiated by the artists themselves. As a result, the jury was formed, in which another - invisible - it became a member of the entire population of Vladivostok," - said corr. IA Primore24 Paul Shugurov.

He appreciated the experience of "popular vote" (which, incidentally, was attended by over 7000 people) as "successful." "Perhaps our mistake was just what we did due emphasis on the fact that the opinion of the people unsolvable. Understand that if the voice of the people was the defining, in Paris, for example, never came to the Eiffel Tower. Townspeople were strongly opposed this design, and as a result it has become a symbol of Paris and has a worldwide reputation, "- said Shugurov. The victory of the seventh embodiment of punk - it is a protest. In the end, the winning option was decided to seriously modified. Save him from the upturned boat, the symbol of the dead sailors, as well as increase the vandal-proof.

According to him, the popular vote for the project of urban sculpture - not the last. In front of others, but there is an important point. "The voice of the people is very important. For example, I always watch closely for comments on the internet, it helps to learn to leave that" substantially. "But give all the sculptures on the assessment of the population also should not be. Eventually, they brendiruyut city. Take, for long voyages Sailor - Sailor of anywhere in the world. And, for example, Chekhov in Russia and abroad very much. Chekhov So we, too, will be, but later on, "- said Shugurov.

He also spoke about the current problem with the urban sculpture: "Understand Soviet generation of artists has grown old and does not know how to do it. A new generation has not really grown. So, for example, our artists Vladivostok wary for competitions, do not believe in them. necessary to change this situation. "

Sculpture project number 8 will be made in St. Petersburg, most likely from fiber-reinforced concrete or polymer materials. After that it will deliver to Vladivostok. Shugurov assured that the expected date - the end of August - they have time.

Paul Shugurov: \"If people were selected monuments, the Eiffel Tower was built not ever!\"

Paul Shugurov: \"If people were selected monuments, the Eiffel Tower was built not ever!\"

Paul Shugurov: \"If people were selected monuments, the Eiffel Tower was built not ever!\"

Paul Shugurov: \"If people were selected monuments, the Eiffel Tower was built not ever!\"

Опубликовано:   24-04-2013, 16:10      |      Категория:  eng news

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