On Wednesday, in Vladivostok, strong wind and rain
Today, April 24 weather conditions in the Maritime region determines the cyclone. The region with periodic rain. Wind South, South-West is strong. Temperatures of -5 +8 ° C, daytime +4 +15 ° C.
Vladivostok at night, partly cloudy, rain. Mostly cloudy, rain. Wind South, South-East silnyy.Temperatura night air +3 +5 ° C, day +7 +9 ° C. Radiation levels 11 mR /hr.
B Ussurijsk cloudy in the morning and afternoon light rain. Wind south umerennyy.Temperatura night air +4 +6 ° C, day +10 +12 ° C.
In Nakhodka cloudy, night, rain, rain in the afternoon, in the evening strong. Moderate southerly wind. Temperatures of +3 +5 ° C, day +8 +10 ° C.
In connection with work to eliminate leaks in the water line from 23 pm April 18 to 18 hours on April 19 will be turned off cold water. (ADDRESSES) State Unitary Enterprise...
In ten schools of the capital of Primorye - № № 33544464754616677 and 82 will be surveillance cameras. Now institutions are working on installation and assembly equipment. In schools Vladivostok...
Two trains with the kids today will leave from the station of Vladivostok. As reported by the Department of Education and Science of the Primorsky Territory, both of specially given to bring the...
The world premiere of the animated video art project in 3D and a young Chinese artist Zhou will be held in the framework of the 8th Vladivostok Biennale of Visual Arts in Vladivostok. Then, the video...
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