Photo: ITAR-TASS Today Russia celebrates the Day of the first local government, ITAR-TASS . The decree on the establishment of this holiday was signed by the President of Russia in June 2012 in order to "enhance the role and importance of local government institution, the development of democracy and civil society."
This date - 21 April "is dedicated to the publication in 1785 /Empress Catherine II /Charter to the cities, which initiated the formation of the Russian legislation on local self-government," Putin said in his address to the past last summer IV All-Russian Council of Local Government.
"It is at this level are solved most sensitive issues determining quality. Daily life of citizens - especially the policing of the housing, urban and rural development and the development of a common infrastructure," - said the president.
Important tasks, he also called the selection of highly qualified professionals and strengthen the financial autonomy of local governments.
In this Saturday in Moscow in the lower house of parliament held a meeting of the All-Russian local governments. "I am convinced that the role and significance. Local government in the life of modern Russia should seriously increase, - said at a meeting first. Vice-speaker of the State Duma Alexander Zhukov. - And most importantly, must be significantly strengthened its financial base."
"I know that members of our federal and regional parliaments are many people who have worked in local government - he continued. - A more important role local government can make the transition to a mixed system of elections to the State Duma. Not to mention the fact that the municipal level vital to the operation of political parties, whose number is now growing. " According to Zhukov, "real chance of future. Has only those /parties /who will be able to offer meaningful for the local government agenda."
Chairman of the Duma Committee on the federal structure and the Local Government Viktor Kidyaev at the meeting spoke in detail about the financial component of the ISU. In particular, he said that he hoped to "convey to the local level tax on the extraction of common minerals," as well as 2 percent of the corporate income tax.
In addition, says Kidyaev need to "increase revenues to local budgets from the personal income tax to 50 percent." "And we must finally give municipalities long-promised" simplified tax. "And cancel or monetize federal benefits on local taxes. Incidentally, it should be done in respect of regional taxes," - said the deputy.
According to him, "all this would increase the incomes of local budgets by almost 500 billion rubles."