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Vladivostok City Hall spending on schools and kindergartens have not caused problems in the City Duma

Vladivostok City Hall spending on schools and kindergartens have not caused problems in the City Duma

Committee on Budget, Taxes and Finance Vladivostok Duma on April 18 continued its consideration of the report on the implementation of the city administration's main financial document of Vladivostok in 2012.

The first number of the main managers of budgetary funds in the day made a report of the Office of Civil Defense and Emergencies. His expenses last year were executed at 100%. Chairman of the Committee on Budget, Taxes and Finance Vladimir Isakov asked how work was organized rescue services to the city beaches, as well as what opportunities there are today united in the urban duty and dispatch service. In his opinion, these questions are important and require constant attention from the authorities.

In turn, the speaker of the Duma of Vladivostok Helen Nowicka, who took part in the work of the Budget Committee, drew the attention of members to the need to improve the system alert the public in emergency situations. Deputy Igor Latyshev talked about the importance of measures to develop anti-terrorist security of passports kindergartens and schools, hospitals and clinics, shopping centers, factories and mills.

Considerable interest deputies called the report of the Office of Municipal educational institutions. According to the Office, the planned 426209410 rubles implementation of the budget to 99%, or 424078742 rubles. The money is mainly spent on the development of kindergartens and schools, as well as funding for maternal and child health, addressing issues of youth policy and the health of children.

In 2012 the continued implementation of the seven targeted programs for a total amount of 226 thousand rubles, 0016009261 mastering was 223 thousand rubles, or 98.7%. In addition, last year in Vladivostok introduced a new remuneration system for employees of preschools and additional education of children of employees.

Isakov has attracted the attention of the deputy information Vladivostok teachers' salary and prospects of its increase. As the head of department on work with educational institutions Vladivostok Larissa Karpachyova, the first quarter of the average teacher salary in Vladivostok is 29 thousand 433 rubles. Teachers' salaries increased from 1 January 2012 to 25% salary pedrabotnikov - by 11.6%. And growing number of young professionals in the education sector of the city - in 2012 it joined 147 people.

MP Zinaida Kim believes that it is necessary to ensure decent working conditions and wages, not only school teachers, but teachers working in pre-school institutions and further education. A deputy Sergei Kovalev was interested in how the program is working on energy efficiency in the educational institutions of the city. According to information provided by the Administration of Vladivostok, today all kindergartens and schools have received Energy Performance Certificate, which confirms compliance.

Committee on Budget, Taxes and Finance were also heard reports on the implementation of the budget by the Office for the implementation of programs to support the population, and the Department of Culture. After discussion, the information provided by the Department of Culture deputy Igor Latyshev thanked the mayor for the great work of reconstruction and support of city libraries.

In addition, at its meeting on 18 April, the Committee on Budget, Taxes and Finance recommended Vladivostok Duma a draft decision "On a public hearing on the report on the budget for 2012 in Vladivostok." Expected to appoint a public hearing on May 27 at 14:30 in the meeting room of the Vladivostok Administration (Ocean avenue, 20).

Опубликовано:   19-04-2013, 11:00      |      Категория:  eng news

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