Pupils will be able not only to relax in school camps, but also earn
Photo: happy-giraffe.ru
This summer, the city schools will traditionally run school camps. Students can attend their first through seventh grade. To do this, parents should contact the school principal that their child attends. Stay in this camp for free. But the high school students in these same camps will be able to work assistants counselors. And earn some pocket money.
"For this summer we have planned an extensive program of rehabilitation and recreation for students, - Said Larisa Karpachyova, head of department on work with educational institutions. - Will work 75 school camps, 130 repair crews. Reach 50 sports and cultural events. Consists change profile "Dancing Without Borders," "Intelligent fights", "Shaw master." In this city on the orders of the head of Igor Pushkarev allocated from the city budget. "
Being in school camps child can from 8:30 am to 14:30. There, he has breakfast, lunch, take part in excursions, sporting events, tests its strength in different types of creativity. Also this year, as an experiment, to be organized in some of the camps naps and meals. This class will be installed in the bed. Total for the summer will be organized shifts. Parents can enroll your child in any of them.
For adolescents aged 15-17 years will be organized free profile camps. Such as "Dancing without Borders" - for creative students who participated in the dance competition "Startineydzher", "Swift-2012" - for leaders of youth organizations, "Shaw master" - for participants vocal competition "Ocean Avenue" and others.
About 3000 students will be able to relax in the core sports camps, tourism, military-patriotic, environmental, local history focus. Length of shift - from 10 to 12 days. Specialized camps will be organized by municipal institutions of supplementary education for children for their students. Meals for children in these camps will be paid from the budget of the Vladivostok city district.
Preparations are underway for a summer fitness campaign town camps. As the head of the camps, training is going according to plan, purchase the necessary medicines, composed of the passport counter-terrorism security, a contract for services.
In addition, the city schools will be organized 130 repair crews for minors aged 14-17 years. In educational institutions began recording teenagers who want to work in the repair teams. Children will work on school grounds, in school libraries, prepare to repair classrooms. Mode - 10 days at 4 hours per day.
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