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The head of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev open lane Heroes in Victory Park on May 7

The head of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev open lane Heroes in Victory Park on May 7 Photo: Administration of Vladivostok.

Vladivostok is continuing to create and develop the mall Heroes in Victory Park (near the Primorye Regional House of Youth). The opening ceremony is scheduled for 7 May, the event will be attended by Mayor Igor Pushkarev, chairman of the war veterans, labor, military and law enforcement agencies of Jacob Kahn, war veterans, military personnel, students and the public.

On the eve of May 9 Victory Park traditionally held solemn and festive events. This year was no exception. However, apart from the traditional laying of wreaths and flowers to the tank column "Seaside Komsomolets", thematic concert soldier's porridge and treats this year, the mayor Igor Pushkarev ordered to open this avenue of Heroes. Avenue of Heroes - a 23 granite stars, engraved with names of 200 Heroes of the Soviet Union and eight names of Hero of Russia.

The head of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev open lane Heroes in Victory Park on May 7

The head of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev open lane Heroes in Victory Park on May 7

Last week, the mayor held a retreat and checked the progress of the concluding events of the Day of Victory. In Victory Park Igor Pushkarev together with the chairman of the city council of veterans James Kahn praised first set design. By the way, the order of the head of the Youth House on the wall will be installed titanium big star, which the mayor has presented one of the plants. As the chief artist of the city Shugurov Paul, the star made in the Soviet era and is artistic value. This idea was supported by James Kahn.

Опубликовано:   16-04-2013, 13:00      |      Категория:  eng news

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