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In Nakhodka car with straight-through mufflers will lose their license number

In Nakhodka car with straight-through mufflers will lose their license number Photo: press service of Nakhodka

In Nakhodka check the noise of cars. The cause of raids was that the number of road vehicles, make a loud, sharp sounds. This is mainly sports models whose owners make changes to the design of machines, and establish continuous-flow mufflers. The noise from these vehicles annoying people, especially in the houses along the central highway.

City department Interior Ministry will conduct raids to check vehicles for compliance with pre-defined level of noise. At the disposal of the police is a special instrument for measuring automotive decibels.

Note that according to the Government Decree of September 102009 № 720 "On approval of technical rules on safety of wheeled vehicles" set the level of noise of cars to 96 decibels. For exceeding standards for drivers to administrative liability to payment of a fine, and operation of the vehicle is prohibited until the cause of the removal of state license plates.

The driver must remove the cause of exceeding the acceptable noise level, then drive the point inspection and using certified check measurement device to produce. The confirmation that the car is good, given a statement, which is the reason for the return of number plates.

Опубликовано:   16-04-2013, 09:00      |      Категория:  eng news

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