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Rain almost ripped extremals Vladivostok "Season Opening 2013"

Rain almost ripped extremals Vladivostok \"Season Opening 2013\" Photo: Eugene Sindyukova

Today, April 13 in the town area of extreme sports, sports festival was held - "The opening of the 2013 season." Light rain was almost ripped skating skaters, but two hours later the weather improved and the competition still held.

The event was organized management of information and methodological work in the field of moral and physical development of the population of the Vladivostok Administration in conjunction with the youth organization "Alternativa".

The competition was attended by skateboarders, roller, tracers and turnikmeny. Many of the participants are engaged in quite some time. For example, 16-year-old Anton Belovanov riding a skateboard for four years and wants to connect with the sport his life. According to the young athlete, in the future it is going to look for sponsors, and actively promote themselves as a professional skater.

"Four years ago I came to the competition as a spectator - said Anton - and today he brought a friend - Nikita. "

" I just recently started doing extreme sports. came to the festival as a spectator, to see how the other guys compete, " - said Nikita Medvedev.

festival consisted of several stages, involving young people into a certain kind of extreme sport. At the end of each stage, the three winners.

At the end of the festival were the winners. organizers congratulated them on the victory and handed the sponsorship gifts.

Rain almost ripped extremals Vladivostok \"Season Opening 2013\"

Rain almost ripped extremals Vladivostok \"Season Opening 2013\"

Rain almost ripped extremals Vladivostok \"Season Opening 2013\"

Rain almost ripped extremals Vladivostok \"Season Opening 2013\"

Rain almost ripped extremals Vladivostok \"Season Opening 2013\"

Rain almost ripped extremals Vladivostok \"Season Opening 2013\" .

Rain almost ripped extremals Vladivostok \"Season Opening 2013\"

Rain almost ripped extremals Vladivostok \"Season Opening 2013\"

Rain almost ripped extremals Vladivostok \"Season Opening 2013\"

Rain almost ripped extremals Vladivostok \"Season Opening 2013\"

Rain almost ripped extremals Vladivostok \"Season Opening 2013\"

Rain almost ripped extremals Vladivostok \"Season Opening 2013\"

Rain almost ripped extremals Vladivostok \"Season Opening 2013\"


Rain almost ripped extremals Vladivostok \"Season Opening 2013\"

Rain almost ripped extremals Vladivostok \"Season Opening 2013\"

Rain almost ripped extremals Vladivostok \"Season Opening 2013\"

Rain almost ripped extremals Vladivostok \"Season Opening 2013\"

Rain almost ripped extremals Vladivostok \"Season Opening 2013\"

Опубликовано:   13-04-2013, 20:00      |      Категория:  eng news

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