For the quarter in Primorye liquidated legal entities 1168
On April 1 the Statistical Business Register in the Primorsky Territory of 66.4 recorded 64.4 thousand thousand organizations are legal entities, two thousand - branches, representative offices and other subdivisions of legal entities. This was reported in Primorskstate.
36% of companies have the edge when registering the main activity of trade, repair of motor vehicles, household goods and personal items, 18% - real estate, renting and business activities, 12% - transport and communications, 8% - construction. Compared to last year there is a small increase in the number of registered organizations (102.2%). The greatest growth in a range of activities such as the activity of hotels and restaurants, transport and communications (by 105%).
The most common form of ownership - private Russian. It has 87% of business entities, 6% - the state and municipal.
The vast majority of organizations in Primorye are commercial structures, the most common form of which, a limited liability company. Their share in the total number of organizations edge of all legal forms is 78%.
Enterprises are concentrated mainly in the urban districts (90%), in municipal areas is a small number of sites (10%).
Since the beginning of 2013 registered organizations in 1587 the amount of the liquidated legal entities amounted to 1168.
In addition, in the considered Statregistra 53 thousand entrepreneurs, 57% said the main activity of trade, repair of motor vehicles, household goods and personal items.
Register is updated daily on the basis of information on legal entities and individual entrepreneurs that passed the state registration (re-registration) granted tax (registration) authorities electronically.
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