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Post office was opened in the seaside stone-fishermen after reconstruction

Post office was opened in the seaside stone-fishermen after reconstruction Photo: Primorsky Krai Administration

On the eve of a ceremonial opening of the renovated post office in the center of the village of Stone-Fisher Maritime Territory.

According to the press service of the FSUE "Mail of Russia" in the Primorsky Territory, after the reconstruction of post office in the village of Stone-Fisher meets all the requirements of service. Telephone channels can provide all kinds of online services - interest payments, sending or receiving money transfers, payment of mobile communication and utilities.

In the hall of the post office organized the work of access points to the Internet, which is equipped with modern technology - computers, photocopier, fax.

Due to reconstruction have improved working conditions for employees, increased space provided for the process.

"Mail of Russia" attaches great importance to the modernization of the mail service and strives to maintain access to the mail service in rural areas, to the social role of the Russian Post was not lost.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the renovated post office, the head of the Administration of the municipal district Khankaisky Vladimir Mishchenko said that a stable job "Mail of Russia" in recent years, and the repair post offices contribute to the development of the village and the quality of life in rural areas.

Post office was opened in the seaside stone-fishermen after reconstruction

Post office was opened in the seaside stone-fishermen after reconstruction

Post office was opened in the seaside stone-fishermen after reconstruction

Post office was opened in the seaside stone-fishermen after reconstruction

Опубликовано:   12-04-2013, 13:00      |      Категория:  eng news

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