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Space fans spotted in images Curiosity Soviet station "Mars-3"

Space fans spotted in images Curiosity Soviet station \"Mars-3\" Photo: mareeva-irina.livejournal.com

Russian space enthusiasts and professionals NASA found in images of the Martian surface Soviet probe "Mars-3", landed on the planet in December 1971 RIA Novosti reported.

Automatic station "Mars-3" was launched to Mars May 291971 and December 2 its lander entered the planet's atmosphere and landed safely - the first in history and the only one in the Soviet Mars program. The probe began to transmit information, but after 14.5 seconds the connection was lost. According to experts, e-filling unit was "killed" by static electricity that builds up in the extremely dry conditions of Mars.

In December 2012 the Network Creator, dedicated rover Curiosity in the social network "Vkontakte", Vitaly Egorov found in images of the probe MRO (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter) object, very similar to the Soviet station. He was almost to the point that as a landing site indicated Soviet designers - 45 degrees south latitude, 158 degrees west longitude. Egorov contacted Professor of the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Vernadsky Alexander Basilevsky, mediated by NASA on March 10 this year, organized a new survey from the MRO.

Pictures with a resolution of about 25 centimeters per pixel are distinctively discharged rod with soft-landing engines, brake cone, parachute and the lander itself of about 1.5 meters. NASA noted that the location of these parts "amazing as expected for" Mars-3 ", but still can not exclude alternative explanations."

"Pictures of the surface of Mars available to everyone. I was wondering myself, and I wanted to show that Mars may be the researcher each, enough to make a little effort and have access to the Internet. More importantly - to remind the younger generation that we are also" on the dusty paths of far planets "left their mark, and now a lot of talk about the achievements of NASA and its history is forgotten," - Said the Egorov.

Опубликовано:   12-04-2013, 10:00      |      Категория:  eng news

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