On Sunday in Vladivostok precipitation is expected
Today, April 7 the weather conditions in the Maritime region defined fronts. In the region are small, locally moderate precipitation (rain and snow). On the east coast of the strong, sometimes metal, glaze effects. Wind north, northeast strong, very strong on the coast. Night temperature -7 +3 ° C, day -4 +7 ° C.
In Vladivostok, partly cloudy, mostly without osadkov.Na separate roadways sleet. Wind north, northeast strong. The temperature -1 +1 ° C. Radiation levels 12 mR /hr.
B Ussuriysk variable cloudiness, precipitation, black ice on the roads. Northeastern wind is strong. The temperature -1 +1 ° C.
In Nakhodka cloudy, without precipitation, the roads icy. Wind north, northeast strong. The temperature +2 +4 ° C.
«According to the combined index of urban development, he took 5th place from 21 improving its score by 8 positions compared to last year. According to the residents participating in the survey, more...
All participants and invalids of the Great Patriotic War is April 22 will be awarded to the city not only greeting cards, and gifts of money. 1180 people will receive from the mayor of three thousand...
In Vladivostok, on the eve of the Day of Memory and Grief teenagers mangled signs on birch alley in the streets of Ann Schetinina. This is reported by "News: Primorye". This square was laid in honor...
More or less dangerous places where stray dogs can attack passers-by, our source did not call in his opinion, the whole town is equally dangerous......
Igor Gubkin, which some consider an uncompromising fighter for freedom, and the other - a terrorist and a murderer in captivity has written many books and even made a movie......
On the eve of the eighth March bouquets can be purchased not only in specialized stores, but also on the street. The closer the holiday, the closer to choose flowers......
In the capital of Primorye continues registration to participate in the great флэшмобе «I love Vladivostok», held on 7 July on the Golden bridge. Moreover, applications for participation serves the...
September 28 will begin the festival "Seaside key." The first performance artists Seaside Theatre of Opera and Ballet will see residents of the Greater Kamnya.Za 8 days in different cities of the...
Russian President Vladimir Putin during his working trip to the Primorye Territory held a meeting "about the prospects of development of domestic commercial shipbuilding." One of the main issues of...
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