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MPs control the provision of Primorye Territory Drug

MPs control the provision of Primorye Territory Drug

Committee of the Legislative Assembly for sotspolitiki and protect the rights of citizens discussed the situation in the region with drug supply.

In 2013 the funding for the provision of medication, products mednaznacheniya and specialized foods for children provided 606 million 635 thousand rubles, including from the regional budget - 340 million rubles.

In the framework of the state program "Development of Health Primorsky Territory" for the years 2013-2017 for the purchase of insulin and drugs protivoonkologicheskih signed contracts worth 112.5 million rubles. Posted on the website of public procurement auctions for the purchase protivoonkologicheskih, anti-TB drugs and vaccines in the amount of 69.7 million rubles.

According to the Deputy Director of the Department of Health Catherine Eliseeva, in the province the right to state sotspomosch have 35402 citizens. As of March 15 served 19872 recipes, 140 - deferred to deferred maintenance due to insufficient funding. The ratio of costs per citizen per month today is 638 rubles, the average cost per prescription - 1203 rubles.

As experts of the department, in the Region operates 54 points of issue DLO running call-center, through which Primorye can obtain the necessary information on drugs.

After hearing the information, members of the Committee recommended that the Department of Health to verify all items leave essential drugs and soft drugs.

Deputy Sergei Sopchuk reminded of the need to start early auctions to buy drugs. At the beginning of each year, medications for beneficiaries only begin to release in February. "I am particularly concerned about the situation in insulin and anti-tumor drugs. People can not wait for the conclusion of contracts, they have to come and take the medicine" - Said the deputy.

His counterpart, Vladimir Bespalov told about the problems with the provision of drugs for children Profile "Rheumatology". "It's expensive drugs, it is important that they are always available, available to be administered in specialized offices under the control of specialists in the field of pediatric rheumatology," - Said the deputy.

Boundary lawmakers proposed to organize items dispensing for beneficiaries in clinics, which, according to deputies, will avoid prescribing drugs that are not on sale. Medical institutions are required to enter and use the programs that integrate patient information, extract the drug and its availability to the pharmacy stock.

MEPs also asked to inform the Committee of their planned activities for the State Unitary Enterprise "Primorye Regional pharmacy."

Опубликовано:   5-04-2013, 10:30      |      Категория:  eng news

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