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"Musical Ambassadors of Oklahoma" will visit the Far East

Опубликовано:   3-04-2013, 06:40      |      Категория:  eng news

During the day on the roads of Primorye suffered seven children
28-05-2013, 11:20, eng news
Drivers in road traffic should be clearly control the situation and to be as attentive to the children. (PHOTOS) ......
Reforms of the head of Vladivostok helped revive public transport
29-04-2013, 19:00, eng news
In the city there were buses GLONASS system, payment system cashless payment, and in the municipal transport fleet arrived modern buses MAN, which is the symbol of the mayor......
In Primorye, burned Land Cruiser with a person inside
10-08-2013, 13:00, eng news
On Friday, August 9 at 15:26 on the road between the village and the city of Nakhodka factory burned car Toyota Land Cruiser. In the car, found the body of the dead man, whose identity has not been...
28-02-2013, 05:10, eng news
Their programs will introduce visitors over 40 schools in the U.S. Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Asia and Europe......
Vladivostok residents killed a neighbor and stole his car
2-04-2013, 06:10, eng news
Placed the body of a dead attacker in his own car and drove away from the house, but ran into a concrete wall and disappeared......
Organizers invite all cyclists ride
24-07-2013, 22:01, eng news
Organizers invite all cyclists ride at night along the main street of the city. At 22:30 will be launched from the bike ride Gaydamakskogo Square. Finish will take place on the waterfront Crown...
The water in the Khabarovsk region continues to
4-09-2013, 15:48, eng news
The water in the Khabarovsk region continues to "grow up." In the Khabarovsk level of flooding was already 808 cm (5 cm of water added), the Komsomolsk-on-Amur added over 13 cm and the level of the...
Bureisk power plant in the last days would not come from the pages of
3-09-2013, 16:32, eng news
Bureisk power plant in the last days would not come from the pages of the media. Flooding in the Far East, discharges of water and flooding of villages were woven into a coherent whole. This is...
In Nakhodka roommate strangled woman
20-06-2013, 13:00, eng news
Evening of June 19 this year in the forest in the village of Livadia, near Nakhodka in the car's body was found a woman born in 1951. Boyfriend strangled woman in Primorye According to this criminal...
Khankaisky District Prosecutor's Office audited
8-08-2013, 23:45, eng news
Khankaisky District Prosecutor's Office audited the compliance KGBUZ "Khankaysky CRH" legislation on health care and sanitary-epidemiological welfare of the population, which resulted in the breach...

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