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"Aeroflot" flight attendant carries out selection with knowledge of Eastern languages

\"Aeroflot\" flight attendant carries out selection with knowledge of Eastern languages

"Aeroflot - Russian Airlines" holds the selection of candidates for the post of cabin crew with knowledge of Eastern languages.

The most reliable and safest airline in Russia announces vacancy. For those who want to get a stable job in the company of professionals to grow and develop in the profession, there is a great opportunity to get an interesting and, more importantly, high-paying jobs.

Potential candidates must meet the following requirements: have at least the formation of a complete secondary, English language skills, as well as one of the east - Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese and Chinese at UPPER INTERMIDIATE; be willing to work in the service sector. Age Requirements - no work experience: 18-26 years old, with experience flight attendant - up to 35 years. In addition, the importance of such qualities as kindness, sociability, responsibility and discipline.

The duties of flight attendants is to ensure the safety of passengers in-flight passenger services, as well as the creation of a board of atmosphere of hospitality and comfort.

Place of work, then the airport "Sheremetyevo". Nonresident granted residence. Geography of flights - Vietnam, Korea, China and Japan. Employees are an attractive benefits package: discounted tickets to employees and their families on all flights of "Aeroflot" and partners (more than 900 destinations around the world), the annual 70-day leave, subsidized vouchers for spa treatment, medical insurance, payment of child Garden and payment hostel for foreign, official transport and more. Salary - 50 to 80 thousand rubles a raid sanitary norms.

"Aeroflot" - this is the best base for training, capacity, stability and development.

In order to take part in the selection of the applicant must fill out a form, downloading it by reference attach photos, and up to 8 April 2013 inclusive send it to inform_dv@aeroflot.ru .

The data will be processed and, in the case of compliance, the candidate will be invited to pass the qualifying stage.

Contact phone - 8-499-500-76-00 , E-mail: inform_dv@aeroflot.ru .

Опубликовано:   3-04-2013, 05:20      |      Категория:  eng news

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