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Modernization of housing will discuss in Vladivostok

April 4 in the capital of Primorye Chairs will meet the representative bodies of cities and regions in the Primorye Krai Legislative Assembly.

Modernization of housing will discuss in Vladivostok

Municipalities will discuss problems of housing

The main theme, proposed for discussion - the work of local authorities in the housing sector, and the disposal of industrial and domestic waste.

The work of the Council will attend the Legislative Assembly of Primorsky Krai Viktor Gorchakov.
On the main directions of modernization utility tells Department Director of Housing and Public Utilities and fuel supplies Primorye Victor Kulinsky.

On tariff policy tells heads of relevant departments Gregory Nevalenny.
In addition, participants discussed one of the biggest issues today - recycling and processing of waste.

Presentations were made by the head of the environment and natural resources administration
Vladivostok Alexander Korshenko. Municipalities will share their experience in this field.
The meeting will be held on April 4 in the Duma building Vladivostok.

Опубликовано:   3-04-2013, 04:30      |      Категория:  eng news

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