Hockey players Far Sberbank won "Gold" All-Sberbankiady
Photo: Savings
Hockey team Far East Savings Bank became the owner of a gold medal and the All-Russian winter Sberbankiady Cup in Khanty-Mansiysk.
For awards in the largest sports event in the world of corporate fought 23 participating teams - 17 teams of Sberbank's regional banks, subsidiaries teams from Ukraine and Kazakhstan, subsidiary banks Sberbank Europe, as well as the team of the Central Savings Bank and the apparatus of "Savings Technology." Sberbankiada joined the staff of the Group Savings from 12 countries. For the first time the team has participated Sberbankiade subsidiary DenizBank (Turkey). Athletes competed in six sports. At the end of the results in the biathlon, cross-country competition, speed skating, snowboarding and hockey Far East for the first time reached the sixth position.
Hockey players Far Savings embodied a strong spirit, commitment and will to win. Team coach, Master of Sports hockey Sergey Yasakov developed special strategies for action and he was right - that's what it means to experience the top division teams! All games Far East held steady. And in the final still have the strength to fight for the very highest award. In the match for 1st place with Ural scored three decisive washers Sergey Chernyshev - offensive player. But would not get these goals, do not be a high game of discipline on the court and the whole team at the result.
"Sports, fighting spirit and passion to strengthening corporate spirit. Our victory and universal recognition inspire employees.'s New attitude to sport and sporting successes give us confidence that going to advance in our bank is growing exponentially", - said the Chairman of the Far Eastern Bank " Sberbank of Russia "Titov.
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