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Truckers Vladivostok invited to receive compensation for travel

Truckers Vladivostok invited to receive compensation for travel

To district administration for the implementation of programs to support the population of the Vladivostok Administration continues receiving documents to be paid for travel on the plots. Specialists made more than 800 applications. Acceptance of documents will continue until April 30.

Remember that gardeners can get a lump sum payment of travel suburban area of 3000. Can get paid families with minor children (one parent and all minor children) with incomes below the poverty line, as well as pensioners, with no benefits (women - 55 years old - 60 years), with an income of less than 1.5 magnitude cost of living (to date the amount is - 9265 rubles).

To become a recipient of social support, necessary to apply to the district for the implementation of programs to support the population of the city administration, confirming the presence of suburban area. In addition, seniors must provide a certificate of the amount of pension for the last three months prior to treatment, copy of passport and a copy of the last sheet of the work book, to confirm that the person is no longer working. Families with minor children also need to verify your income.

Acceptance of documents for compensation are to district administration for the implementation of programs in support of the Administration of Vladivostok:

Frunze District - st. Fokin, 25 kab.23 tel. 2614-395

Leninsky district - Partisan Avenue, 3 tel. 2614-167

Pervorechenskij area - st. Ilicheva, 15 of. 11 tel. 2614-201

Soviet area - st. Kutuzov, 3-a, tel. 233-02-46;

Pervomaysky region - st. Kalinin, d.116 office. № 11 tel. 227-36-29.

Опубликовано:   1-04-2013, 04:10      |      Категория:  eng news

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