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Caused by drunk drivers in Primorye suffered two girls

37-year-old man in Primorye In a state of intoxication, caused a car accident.

Caused by drunk drivers in Primorye suffered two girls

Caused by drunk drivers in the Maritime region affected children

Press service of the regional traffic police VestiRegion.ru reported that the car at this time there were two girls - 11 and 14 years.

The older girl suffered a serious head injury. She is taken to the hospital in the village of Kirov Primorye. The youngest child with bruises directed to outpatient treatment.

The accident happened around 11 pm at 464 km of the road "Khabarovsk-Vladivostok". For the driver, "Nissan" administrative report, the car is special. parked.

Опубликовано:   29-03-2013, 10:10      |      Категория:  eng news

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