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In Primorye, in a fire killed two people

Early in the morning on March 27 in the control room fire, it was reported that the burning three-story apartment building in the village of Mikhailovka.

In Primorye, in a fire killed two people

Two men died in a fire at Primorye

At 5 hours, 46 minutes, firefighters arrived at the address. One apartment was heavily zadymlena, burned bedding. At 6 hours, 10 minutes the fire was localized and in 6 hours 36 minutes completely eradicated. On fire, killing two men in 1928 and 1978 birth.

The fire destroyed three square meters. meter apartment, presumably, it is lit by careless handling of fire from smoking - said the press service VestiRegion.ru EMERCOM Russia's Primorye Territory.

In just a day on the territory of Primorye 20 fires occurred. In the fight against the fire involved 122 people and 39 vehicles.

Опубликовано:   28-03-2013, 05:10      |      Категория:  eng news

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