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Last weekend in Primorye have gone through the ice two cars

Two cars fell through the ice over the weekend. The first case occurred in the waters of the bay of Voivod Vladivostok .

Last weekend in Primorye have gone through the ice two cars

Two cars fell through the ice

Rescuers Primorsky rescue, immediately arrived at the scene and found that the car failed in the shallows. People were not injured, but the car is now required costly repairs.

March 24 like incident. happened in the Bay Novick, also the capital of Primorye . The driver got out of the car itself in shallow water. For violation of the police sent a driver to the administrative panel.

EMERCOM Russia's Primorsky Krai urges to refrain from entering the ice. Winter ice fishing season is closed!

Violation of basic safety precautions may result in a fine - individuals pay up to one thousand five hundred rubles, the officers - five thousand, legal - to eighty thousand - according VestiRegion.ru Press Service of Russian Emergencies Ministry in the Primorsky Territory.

Опубликовано:   25-03-2013, 04:00      |      Категория:  eng news

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