Leaders of the infamous "Slav" recognized that there are many "pyramid of a criminal nature,"
Photo: Press-service of the Vladivostok Administration
Company "Slav" is planning to abandon the many services involving contractors and begin execution before the Defense Ministry on its own, said CEO Oleg Belavenets.
" We tend to perform many of the services - the sanitary maintenance, to fulfill maintenance - house " - Said Belavenets the radio station "Echo of Moscow". According to him, the market for such services in the Russian Federation "is so weak that you have to hold a contest between management companies and perform the same people." " We have decided to recruit people to your staff and pay them a salary, the decision - to perform the service in-house Defense ", - He said. This will, in particular, closely monitor the quality of services: as noted Belavenets With his staff, he "has the right to claim."
However, to fully withdraw from third parties does not, they will have to draw for the specific example of high-rise, works. " Assess actual companies that have manufacturing facilities and staff to carry out the services we do selektiruem and only with these companies will enter into contracts directly, without the pyramids, and only in the areas in which these companies are needed. high-altitude work, for example, where not appropriate to have its own forces "- explained Belavenets .
According to him, the past leadership "Slavyanka" considered by the company as a source of profit as legal and illegal means. " In our opinion, the previous management, to the detriment of the quality of service, the emphasis is on getting profits " - Said Belavenets .
" During the two months I've changed all the leadership of the central office" Slavonian " , - Continued the CEO, adding that the analysis of the" Slavonian "with contractors for the past year," shows that were built a very large "pyramid of a criminal nature" .
According to him, the "pyramid" had the following form: the general contractor - some contractors - performing, "extreme" company, which of the "100 rubles allocated to receive 20". " Held talks with all these contractors" pyramid "for the past year, - he informed. - Despite the fact that there is a signed contract, is presented acts of acceptance, saved 1.5 billion rubles from the previous year, which will go into operation ". Belavenets stressed that in the updated "Slavyanka" corruption factor will be excluded. " Now we" pyramid "is not valid ", - He said.
Recall Vladivostok scandal with the "Slav" affected mainly neighborhood "Snow Pad", where not, and the removal of trash. Chapter Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev sent to municipal cleaning equipment.
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