Photo: Photobank While the nature of the full swing freed from the shackles of winter and blossoms, people tend to fall into despair and depression. The reasons are many, vitamin deficiency, the long struggle of the organism to adverse winter conditions. And emotionally difficult, after a clean, white winter for spring to see the gray, dirty streets with withered grass on lawns. Rain and morning fogs are not pleasing to the eye.
The correspondent of "IA Primore24" talked with a psychologist Oleg Sumarinym , On how not to fall into depression and spring blossom with nature.
- How to prevent that in the spring of Nakata breakdown and depression?
- To prepare, take care of yourself not only in spring, but also throughout the year. Sports, expand their horizons, to make life interesting, there was stagnation. Equally important is the relation of man to the world, in spite of all kinds of life situations in life to learn to look and bright side of this is directly related and general emotional state. " Why are you going out that day, so you come in tomorrow " - A wise expression need to take everything in the note.
- Is there any way to fight the blues, who can afford to any person?
- Rescue of a bad mood of meditation and aromatherapy oils, the main problem they decide, but will contribute to the fact that people shatter. Do not forget the candy, of course, allowable is dark chocolate bar is fully capable to lift your spirits. Sports also rebuffs the spring melancholy, and devote exercise is the best time in nature. This will not only give the opportunity to develop your body, but also to be alone with him.
- Many people in the period of spring began to go sit on a diet in order to bring his body to fly. Is this the right time for such a change?
- People need to understand that doing this is not in any particular period, and year-round. And if a person is prone to melancholy and still torturing his body diet, it only creates a further problem, which can only aggravate the condition. One must understand that these changes are necessary not for someone not on the season, but for himself and constantly. When he realizes this, he will be careful with your body and your emotional state.
- In big cities, there will always be people who spend at work almost all the time and are not able to even go for a walk. How to deal with a bad mood these people?
- First, they have to understand that life is short, scoring it completely impossible to work. Despite the busy schedule, each person is vital to remember yourself. To find something that will be a priority of work that will give it a feel of life diversity.
- Animals help to cope with depressive moods human?
- They do not just help, a private pet-therapy based on communicating with animals. If a person is not possible to have a pet, it can come to one of the shelters and to communicate with the animal care, to walk, to play. This is also very good and soothes emotional discharges rights.
It is also important to understand that this condition, if already appeared, by all means pass. Everything ends sooner or later, and this too will end. As hard as it is not now, with the onset of warm and blossoming of nature to deal with blues easier.